Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers

Spring Flowers,


As the days grow longer and signs of spring begin to show, colourful flowers emerging from the dormancy of winter bring brightness and hope. When out on walks and exploring Moidart and Ardnmaurchan there is an abundance of wildflowers at this time of year to be found. I think guests are generally pleasantly surprised by the variety and quantity they see.

On the walk up to Blain lochs the hillside as you walk through the woodland part is full of beautiful yellow off primroses, scattered all over the hillside.

Throughout the area the blue of bluebells can be found. Last year we were very lucky to spot some of the rarer white bluebell not far from Castle Tioram

Wild garlic is now in bloom on the way down to castle Tioram. I think that bright yellow of the common gorse is often overlooked as a beautiful spring flower.

In all the woodland area’s the white of the wood anemone can be seen popping up.

As we get into May, Milkwort, Lousewort, Butterwort and Cuckoo flower can be found from now through out the next couple of mouths. Also, hopefully we will start to see some orchids soon, last year was particularly spectacular for them so fingers crossed it is another great year for them.

Let’s not forget the Rhododendron a very invasive an non native plant, but with wonderful flowers at this time of year.

In the Garmoran garden we have been planting Azalea’s for over 15 years now and they bring fantastic colour to the gardens in the month of May.

May is such a great month to explore the area, especially if you enjoy flowers.

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t: +44 (0)1967 431 456
e: susan@garmoransquare.com

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